Sunday, July 20, 2008


A short update while I have the time before the week begins and I end up too tired when I get home from work. 

I brought my BF home from the hospital yesterday.  They discharged him straight from the ICU.  He was there for two days to make sure he was stabilized from the stents.

He tells me he feels better than he has in a good while.  He still faces open heart surgery in six weeks.  He needs time for the stents to heal.  He is saying he needs only one bypass done.  I'm not sure where the 3 came from at first.

Of course, I worry but there's not much to do.  I need to get over it because what will be will be.  We've talked a good many things over about me being his power of attorney for health decisions.  He has other things he wants me to do also.  I told him to take it easy for a day or two and then we'll take care of this stuff.  He's very independent.  He's back to getting that way again today but yesterday he was sort of clingy and hated being that way.  He can't stand being dependent on anyone but realizes just how much he needs and depends on me.  LOL...the cement that holds things together. moves on for now.  I'm sort of glad I have work to keep me occupied but then again I did have two days of pool time, which was great.  It rained again here today.  Back to the grind again.  Thanks for your continued prayers and good thoughts.  Love n Hugs to all....CHRIS

Friday, July 18, 2008

Life is Sort of Sucky

Hmmm....the weather is 90 and sunny and, yeah, I'm weird coz I love it.  I planned a "mini-vacay," long weekend to float in the pool and relax.  I requested today off on Monday. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?  Not meant to be, I guess.

I got a cell phone call at work yesterday from my BF, my soft place to fall.  Odd coz he never actually calls much on the cell phone; just texts.  He was having chest pains and had driven himself to the VA Hospital.  Hunh?  Phone went dead; me too, sort of.  He said he was walking in the door when it cut off.  How do you work after that?  A nurse called back on the cell about 20 minutes later.  They gave him the meds that stop a heart attack and were transferring him to the regular hospital in our small city.  Actually, it's not a Pgh. hospital but the cardiac unit there is excellent.  I was relieved about that.  They said he would call when he got there.  Didn't happen.  I called the Emergency Room, and they said he was in the Cath lab which made sense and also made me realize that far more was going on.  My dad had two open heart surgeries and numerous heart problems.

Still no word at 2 p.m. so I called admissions.  Yep, admitted and to the ICU.  I was totally gone.  I called Megan.  She and Joey went down and said they were his kids.  In the meantime, I got ahold of his nurse in the ICU.  One artery needed 5 stents placed in it, which JMO is really an invasive procedure for that many; plus he'll need a triple bypass. 

I stopped after work.  Needless to say, he is still in shock.  He is an anal person about his weight and walks about 2 miles a day.  Cholesterol was borderline high but lowered with diet; which he has followed religiously.  The triglycerides were off the wall about a year ago and still way too high in my book but no family history of heart disease.  Smoking is most likely the culprit.  He is quitting.

He called a couple times on his cell.  I don't think he was supposed to.  I texted him this morning.  He called back and said he is really supposed to rest and not talk.  More tests on the arteries and a chest x-ray to see if he will tolerate surgery well.  He said to go swim in the pool and come in this evening.  As if, but I will because he hasn't had his tests yet plus I'm thinking he still needs to absorb this all and is in the ICU for a recuperate from that darned stent procedure.

Prayers, good thoughts, whatever will be appreciated.  I'm certainly not at all picky about where or whom the prayers are being sent to.  Love you all!!!! (I actually made this blinkie the night before all this happened....)      CHRIS

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Where's Chrissy Been? Some Snags or Tags

Yikes, first of all I'm really embarassed that I've been away from JLand for almost two months.  I've been trying to keep up with alerts and reading journals but got totally away from PSP and my own journal.  Mother's Day was wet, dreary but a nice day except for an aching on the top of my head.  It felt like a good old-fashioned "goose egg."  I didn't give it a thought because I'm clumsy.  The next day, I developed one of the most severe earaches I've ever had.  Even the outside of the ear hurt.  I pushed myself through work.  I developed a pimple on my eyebrow Wed.  Weird but WTH.  I took of Thurs and Friday because my ear was killing me.  I got an antibiotic which started getting rid of the ear pain.  But there was this "ice pick" pain on my head behind my ear which was excrutiating and getting worse.  It would come in waves.  Long story son insisted I go to the ER Friday night.  My uncle died when he was 53 from an aneursym that burst with much the same symptoms.  The CT scan showed nothing.  As I was getting ready to leave, I started breaking out all over my forehead and eyelid with blisters.  I mentioned it to Joey.  The doctor overheard and flew over.  Shinglesand that was what was causing all the odd symptoms.  He was shocked because they weren't there when he had looked in my eyes.  I was extremely lucky to have had that headache because they caught my break out within 72 hrs.  I took Valtrex.  I was miserable for a couple of weeks.  Now really there is no pain.  Just an odd sensation of my scalp crawling and the same with the eyelids.  That's from the nerves but I can live with it.

Megan's internship was retracted late Friday before she was to start the next Monday because of the background check.  We all learn our lessons.  She is back waittressing and living at home.  It's been a struggle as we always seem to be at each other's throat with my son caught in the middle.   Luckily for both of us, she is working mostly nights so we don't need to cross pathes much.  She still is not sure where to live in the fall for one more semester. 

Right after I got my new cell phone, I somehow convinced my BF to get a cell phone on my family plan.  Megan couldn't get ahold of him one day when she needed picked up.  So, he got one with a camera.  ROLF...he is a text message addict.  He texts me all the time, texts his son, grandson, daughter, etc.  It's unlimited so that's ok.  He adds all kinds of graphic and noises plus sends me pictures.  He was just being stubborn. sucks totally here in western Pa.  The first week in June was 90 all week.  I struggled to get the darned pool clean.  I hate that job.  It took the whole week of messing with chemicals.  As soon as the pool was ready, the weather took a nose dive.  70's, total cloud cover and rain non-stop.  Of course, no flooding so I feel bad about complaining.  I've been in the pool twice.  I took off Wed. and Thurs before the 4th because I knew Wed would be sunny and it was and it was the only sun we've seen.  It has rained non-stop since.  The sun is out today so I hope I'm not jinxing it.  There's some stationary front south of us causing this that won't move.  Blah.   or as LJ made this just for Lisa Jo.......think I just might make a couple more since I feel so "PHOOEY" right now.  Feel free to snag.


Thanks to all of you who have checked on me, left me messages, etc.  You are all the best which is why I felt so bad about not making any entries.  Actually, I feel bad about doing entries if I have requests to fill.  I know I've missed some e-mails,etc. so please remind me because it's been so long.  I have everything on my back up drive.  I also feel bad about doing entries if I'm not caught up on alerts.  I had a snafu with my security crap again virus protection and McAfee would not download.  After two phone calls to half English speaking folks and two live tech support tries, I found a gem.  She had me send her my sysinfo in an e-mail.  I had remnants of a microsoft virus program left that needed removed.  She also had me download through Explorer..voila!  I was getting more furious by the minute with all the lame excuses I was getting plus the fact that I had no virus protection, just a "stinger" to run from McAfee.  So it was ugly outside, and my journals plans were ruined....a big PHOOEY!  Love that word, LJ.

I made a couple of blinkies for my PSP group, which was the first I had dabbled in PSP for ages.  I made the top tag in the midst of my pc woes yesterday.  I'm not sure who created all the stuff I used but the word art is from Shelly/Roxymama.  She rocks!  Hopefully, my creative juices are flowing again.

Well, this is long enough.  I hope I haven't bored you all to death.  Hope you all had a great 4th!  Love & Hugs to all!
