Saturday, April 15, 2006

Elf Shoe/Snags or Tags

The original is the first one. The second one was after I messed around with color changing.  I'm not sure if I like it.  My file manager didn't.  LOL...obviously since the color changing one has disappeared.  Yuck...grrrr...have to try something else.  So much for uploaded but came out the size of an ant so I deleted in the world do you upload rotating colors? 

The colors made the file way too big even though the original isn't that large.  So I redid it to fade to gray, which actually I like better than the numerous colors.

This is how small it had to be resized to so it would rotate all the out the magnifying glass.


Anonymous said...

Depends on the file size and sometimes I run into trouble with photobucket and my rain graphics so I use the ftp site.  You do have an error graphic on your journal because you deleted from photobucket but not the entry :)
Good Luck can't wait to see, the shoe is great!

Anonymous said...

It sucks that you had to shrink it so small... it is very pretty but I like the change you made too its beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love the graphic...but as to the problem with it..... welll...uh, hmmm....
<scratching head>